“I would like to be known as an intelligent woman…a woman who teaches by being.”

— Maya Angelou


My scholarly commitment is to gain a deeper understanding of climate change and society by examining these relationships through sport

In my roles, I have been tasked with research, teaching, and curriculum design on these intersections. If these topics are of interest to you, your organization, your students, or potential students, please reach out!

  • Rows of numbered, green stadium seats

    Who champions environmental sustainability? A stakeholder’s analysis of public assembly venues

    In this study, we examined sport venues to identify the stakeholders who influence the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices (ESPs), their specific roles among venue managers, and highlight those who primarily motivate ESP adoption.

    Ross, W. J., Murfree, J. R., & Wang, Z. (2024)

  • Photo of a well-lit globe, sitting on a table, in an otherwise dark room

    Ecology - The international development and the advancement of the global environmental movement in sport

    In this chapter, we outline various sport for development and peace organisations leveraging sport to educate participants about sustainable lifestyles and climate advocacy.

    McCullough, B. P., & Murfree, J. R. (2023).

  • Baseball stadium filled with people

    Exploring Major League Baseball fans’ climate change risk perceptions and adaptation willingness

    This study investigates whether U.S.-based MLB fans’ climate change skepticism and experiential processing influenced their climate change risk perceptions and adaptation willingness.

    (Murfree, 2023).

  • Stacks of multicolored grandfather clocks all displaying different times

    (Re)scheduling as a climate adaptation strategy

    In this paper, we argue climate change is producing recurring disruptive events which might shake sport organizations out of inertia regarding scheduling. We suggest rescheduling might be used as a tool for mitigation and cliamte adaptation.

    Orr, M., Murfree, J. R., & Stargel, L. (2022).

  • Plastic waste heap floating in open ocean among school of angelfish

    Adidas x Parley: An exploration of corporate social responsibility and the global plastic crisis

    Gain an understanding of environmental sustainability within corporate social responsibility, while (a) assessing Adidas’ efforts to strategically combat the world’s plastic pollution crisis and (b) identifying additional avenues for sport organizations to promote environmental sustainability.

    Murfree, J. R., & Police, C. (2022).

  • Intracity team relocation and environmental justice in Baltimore, Maryland

    Examine the interactions between sport, and social and environmental justice in Baltimore, Maryland — a city whose deep history of racial discrimination has lasting effects on its community. By examining intracity team relocation of the Baltimore Ravens and Orioles, this chapter explores how team and venue relocation mirrors societal inequities and contributes to environmental injustices.

    Murfree, J. R., & Ross, W. J. (2022)

  • Environment and sustainability in FIFA World Cups

    This chapter explores the impacts of climate change on FIFA, introducing concepts associated with climate vulnerability and adaptation, unpacking the ways FIFA and its events impact the natural environment, and a review of FIFA’s past and current efforts toward environmental communication.

    Orr, M., Murfree, J. R., Anahory, A., & Edwabne, R. E. (2022)

  • Windmills in a sunny field

    An overview of Sustainable Development Goal 13

    This chapter defines and explores the United Nations’ SDG Goal 13 - Climate Action. We pay particular attention to the sport industry’s role and responsibilities in achieving this goal.

    McCullough, B. P., & Murfree, J. R. (2022)

  • An examination and analysis of Division I football game contracts: Legal implications of game cancellations due to hurricanes.

    The purpose of the study is to better understand football game contract inconsistencies that can lead to legal disputes faced by college football programs and gain a better insight of the contractual considerations made in light of hurricanes that are becoming increasingly frequent and severe.

    Murfree, J. R., & Moorman, A. M. (2021)

    *2021 JLAS Best Paper Award Winner